Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Authenticity Mantra

What inspires me?

"You have to be brave with your life so that others can be brave with theirs."
                                                                                                  The Gifts of Imperfection

Well that would pretty well describes the intent of my blog....and yes that inspires me.

To finish up the chapter on "Letting Go of Others Approval". 

Our project was to do up an authenticity mantra.

I share with you Brene's

Because I wished to remember the following statement of Brene's...I put it into a little artwork for myself.


Now to my Authenticity Mantra
I rather liked these words of Brene's and I don't think I can improve on them.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Letting Go Of What Others Think - Mantras

(Brene's words....Shirley's artwork)

I rather like Brene's Mantra... at first glance.

I could relate to it.
That is till I read her interpretation and discovered it didn't mean what I first thought .....I share with you Brene's interpretation first..... as what she offers in her story is valuable and make strike a chord.

"Saying this little mantra helps me remember not to get small so other people are comfortable and not to throw up my armor as a way to protect myself."

I still like the mantra....I can relate....but if something else came to my mind in looking at those words....what it means to me is I have a different issue that I am relating to and so I am going to follow with that in my post.....

 "Don't Puff Up".

An image of a bird puffing up trying to  impress comes to mind.  This led me to think about times I have felt intimidated by a wealthy person for example and I want to pretend I am more than I am.

Trying to impress or prove myself is definitely one of my weaknesses not so much in the having of nice things because I believe I deserve them and/or I am grateful for them but in trying to be somebody I am not.

I googled images for animals trying to brought smiles and even a laugh. 

What I have just realized is the above scenarios actually depict shrinking up!
Isn't that what I am doing?  Trying to impress, stand out or fit is all saying "I am not enough".

I still love both these characters, though

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Gifts of Imperfection: Authenticity: Owning Our Part

In Brene's book she gives references to what she feels constitutes a good friend. 

A very close and dear "sister" of mine recently gave me a loving reminder of what she needed from me as a dear friend/sister.  
I have included the incident mainly because I value it as good advise and there was a gift given to me in my imperfection.

Secondly, I feel "owning our part" is a valuable part of being truly Authentic.

One of the scariest lessons I had to go through in the 12 step Alanon program was looking at a problem situation and owning what part of it is mine....even if the other person does not own their part. 
By owning...I mean admitting, apologizing and either making restitution or amend my ways.  

This was so hard to do because at the time I felt there had been injustices on the other persons’ part and I really rallied against doing this felt so wrong.

....admitting my wrong...seemed to be adding to the arsenal of the offender. 

It took a lot of courage and faith in the program to make myself vulnerable and to admit my wrong what is interesting is after doing it, I felt stronger.  Something grew inside me....perhaps self respect, character development, stronger thing is for sure....when I was focused only on my behaviour and had no expectations from the other person......I experienced growth and self contribution.  

You see I was doing it for me....

As the A.A. saying goes, “Principles above personalities”.  
To me this means tending and keeping my ground clean and sacred. 

(In saying this... program also dictates prudence is advised.....will admitting a wrong hurt or compromise someone.)  

I have developed a saying....” when the roadway is strewn with garbage figure out what is mine,  separate it and deal only with what is mine.”  
(thanks to my neighbors for this photo opportunity)

Which leads me into the incident that happened as of this situation it was all my garbage..... I was very self importantly managing someone else’s business instead managing my own.  

My very nature is a teacher.  As well one of my strongest strengths is “restorative”.
However I have come to realize that using these qualities does not  always make a good friend.....especially when I use my strengths indiscriminately.
The following email was sent to me by my dear friend/sister.  She was taking the Courage to speak from her heart. Because I cannot write any better what she was conveying I have been granted permission to post it just as she wrote it.
I will say momentarily my Ego flashed and wanted to defend but when I read her email my now experienced heart knew and accepted.
The email is as follows:
OK teacher :)
I have to ask you - I'm not sure if this is one of my 'issues' - but when I 'share' with you - you seem to respond with feeling it is a 'teachable moment'.  When I 'share' something positive, I am expressing my inner joy and like to feel that by expressing it to safe people  When I 'share' something negative- sometimes I am just wanting to 'vent' and sometimes I am looking for advice (which becomes a teachable moment). 

I have learned to express during the 'negative' sharing when I want to just vent. So using a 'negative' event I would expect it to become a teachable moment unless I have mentioned beforehand that I need to 'vent'.  I know not everyone says the 'I need to vent' .
But with positive  'joy' sharing - it can rob the moment of the joy when the response is presented back as a teachable moment.
Does that make any sense?  The 'teacher' in you seems to be always at the forefront ;)
It is a great strength - but for everyone characteristics have a strength with which to use them....and used in another way- they become a weakness or detriment.
Spoken with love in my heart
I own this.  In fact I realize I have done it a lot of other times to other friends and family. 
To those....I apologize for all those times......
More than that.....I know practicing a better way is what is required.
 This I endeavor to do.  I am investing in myself and growing.

Now perhaps some of you reading this are uncomfortable with my telling of this account and you feel I am making myself too vulnerable.

Not so.....first off there is a gift in my seeing and admitting my imperfections.

Secondly.....hanging my "humanness" out for all to see.....makes me feel free....I don't have to be the know it all......I just know how far I have come......I have gentle acceptance and a sense of humor about my "humanness" ....I am growing....and as long as I am growing....I am thriving.

The reason I have written of this account....
- I believe there is wisdom in it
- Owning my story and telling it...hopefully has touched and/or helped someone reading this.

And thus I am contributing.....
I have made an imperfection...into a gift. 

Now that makes me feel good.
 Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded.  It’s a relationship between equals”.   BrenĂ© Brown 
Thanks to my True Friend for her courage.
A reminder to myself
Thanks all for allowing me to share my story with you.