Monday, November 11, 2013

Gifts of Imperfection: Gathering

It’s like mushrooms popping up.


Friends, relatives fellow work mates, daughters.....women are noticing the book “The Gifts of Imperfection” and  are either wanting to join the online class or just read the book. 

I have been told the bookstores are sold out and have noted a heavy demand. 

My friend discovered fellow teachers are doing the course and they have started sharing amongst themselves.  Exposing our shame is daunting but there are those wading right into the thick of it and opening up. 

I received an excellent hard copy of an email sent to my friend from one of her fellow teachers doing the course.

It was a rather lengthy email but a couple thoughts stood out that I would like to share.

The first one was a suggested intention.


I like that...I am thinking it could do with a little “Louise Hay” polishing but the idea is excellent.

Most of us are now familiar with the fact over 90% of how we act and react comes from the subconscious.  Most the time like everyone else I am not aware of this, so setting the intention daily is an excellent suggestion.    

 As I mentioned in my post titled, Introduction, My Intention....I  now ask myself who is talking when I experience shame....that silent voice saying I am not enough in so many ways.  

The below quote in the email....just verified I am definitely on the right track.

Eckhart Tolle says “What a liberation to realize that the “voice in my head” is not who I am.  Who am I then?  The one who sees that?.

An example of this just happened.

I am at a girlfriend’s home and listening to how her career is progressing.  She is now teaching her courses.

 I really am glad that she is finally starting to do what she has worked so long and hard for but I am aware there is a dark border wanting to close in. It is saying,   "She’s teaching in government recognized institutions and getting paid.”  "I’m not". 

As soon as I felt that less than feeling, I put out my STOP SIGN , and  quickly pushed it aside making a mental note to exam the thought more thoroughly later.  

The next morning I took my inventory.....yep it was Crappy Comparer .....thoughts like “how come I can’t”  “You don’t have a degree”  “You are not doing good enough”.
What did I do?

I envisioned kicking Crappy Comparer’s (sorry he got caught) ass ....

so hard it sent him right into the stratosphere.

(gave myself permission to get cheesy)

I then reminded myself to quit peering over the fence at my neighbor's yard but to appreciate what I am accomplishing and doing within my own yard.

and of course....I'm sharing my story.  

Ideas from others

Thank you to my friend who is so enjoying my emails she is forwarding them to her daughter.  That really is so encouraging.  I would love anyone who might get something from my blog to read it so please feel free to forward them on.

A reminder sent from another friend...."God does not make junk".....
as well she too now has been inspired to write...turns out her mom also encouraged her to write. I am hoping she pursues this.




  1. Shirley
    you are a woman rich with life experience and knowledge
    it is such a thrill seeing others being affected by your very personal journey
    you have a heart of love and healing and I love to see others benefiting from your gifts of imperfection
    you are wiser than you have yet unearthed, but it is coming...I see it

    stay the course...pardon the pun ; )
    you are amazing and born to be in this moment as you are right now...
    as are we all

    thank you for your lovely words and call out
    it is an honour to be mentioned here in your sacred space

    love you sister
    love and light

  2. Shirley, I've just caught up on your blogs. Thank you so much for sharing! I love the authenticity and vulnerability of your writings - you have a wonderful way of drawing out the simple truth, and of using that simple truth to connect your heart to mine. Love you!!
