Monday, December 9, 2013

The Gifts of Imperfection: Defining Who I Am

Authenticity: Letting Go Of What Others Think

Art Project:  find a picture of myself that defines who I am....before I learned to please, perfect & perform. 

A part of me that I love that evokes feelings I may have forgotten. 

I knew immediately I was looking for a picture of my Stick Horse. As with most families there are lots of pictures with our best bib and tucker on.
I finally I found this small grainy black and white Kodak picture....



(Fond Memories)

Age Six

I loved my Stick Horse

I couldn’t wait to get outside

To gallop around

Hair flying

Over pastures

Down long lanes

Through wooded trails

On my Stick Horse


I could run amazing distances

Just by encouraging it

“Come On You Can Do It”

And my heart would open

I Could

I Did


I smile as I remember

Patrolling the boundary of our yard

Trotting very importantly 

Okay, bossily asserting ownership

And rules


When it was time to come in

I tied my Stick Horse to the back porch rail

Where it awaited our next

Adventure together


My friend who is doing this art journey with me noted, “ Your horse has no head”.

I reply....”Of course it doesn’t!”  “This is one of Mr. Dodson’s coveted bean poles!”

My friend...”Is that the mane hanging down?”

Sigh (are you kidding?)...”No, that’s the reins”



This is the caption my mother had beside the picture



Pirate?????.....Hobo!!!!!!seems I come by my Oblivion honestly.

It has been well over half a century now since that photo was taken.....I am a mature grandma now; I no longer gallop or canter down trails....


Okay... I will confess my slow easy jog from one tree to another (my way of tricking myself by telling myself I only have to go that far) I sometimes feel myself in a keyed down trot.  Hey! definitely beats thinking  slog.


I was so right.....this joyous freedom defines the authentic me.

Grandma prancing down the trail.....Oh! Hell Yes!!!