Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Gifts of Imperfection: Introduction And My Intention

Yikes, I am on week 2 of the course, and here I am blogging on the Introduction... the ideas and writings are coming so fast....I am struggling to get an order .....overdoing by having to take pictures.....

 Mess and chaos....

Notes and papers all over

So I am having to trust myself that what I have to write here is important and most of all accept it does not have to be perfect.

I will confess on this writing I am pushing into my uncomfortable zone.  I am much more comfortable in the light hearted humor vein.

So here goes.....

BrenĂ© Brown after much research on shame came up with a list of the Do’s and Don’ts for people that seem to be living “Wholeheartedly”.  Living Wholeheartedly has benefits....a greater sense of contentment and happiness.

Am I for that.....Hell Yes!!!

I have taken a little artistic licence with the Do's and Don'ts.

Would seem simple at first glance, doesn't it.

So going back to my original confession on my blog titled “How It Began” I gave brief reference to my discomfort at reading the book. 

The book the “Gifts of Imperfection” is published by Hazelden. Hazelden Publishers puts out the literature for 12 step programs.

I entered the Alanon 12 step program in 2003.  I have 3 ring notebook journals


3 ring binder journals

and 12 step work stuffed in book cases

And desks

All over my home

I have facilitated entire step programs, been a support person to many, and successfully helped others through some dark drowning times.  

Some years back when  the book “The Gifts of Imperfection”  came up.....I  was dog paddling in some pretty turbulent waters, I had no sponsor, and  I didn’t think I needed one.

I have been drawn back to my 2008 journal over and over....since starting this blog.  I have wrestled with whether I should put in its contents....I keep putting it aside....but it keeps calling me  I  have included it.

Within its covers are very personal thoughts revealing some of  my shortcomings.  If I was helping someone struggling I wouldn't have a problem sharing.  I feel a little more vulnerable sharing with some that may not be able to identify with my struggle.

This journal I keep  bookmarked at a my personal inventory I took back in 2008.  It reads as follows....

I spent years working to rid myself of this bad inventory and made little headway.  I had been willing and ready, very clear I did not want the suffering they entailed, written pages upon pages of asking God to remove these painful emotions, I wrote and affirmed pages and pages of  I am free of.......daily set intentions each morning......and shared...God knows I have deafened ears talking about my feelings.

I felt a failure yet for some reason I struggled on.  
 A few things since that time have created a shift in me, it happened well before I started this book....some amazing things are happening since I started this blog and book....daring to be vulnerable is summons all my courage to write and publicly publish my inner most shortcomings.

One difference that seems to have helped me was naming my saboteurs. (see "How It Began)  Somehow instead of me owning it, being it and justifying feeling that way.....I see it as outside energy bodies with personalities trying to get at me.   Thus far I am pretty good at being vigilant at holding them at bay by observing my discomfort first and then asking who is at play.  If the time is not appropriate to go into deep thought I tuck it aside and deal with it later.   
This seems to work  best when I am in the "Do's side and observing .  Falling into the Don't side happens when I am not looking.
So I have shared a part of what works for me to date.   

My Plan

To work within the framework Oprah and Brené are providing.

To personalize and make it mine

To include personal stories that relate

To utilize tools I know work

To share my story complete with my vulnerabilities
Have fun


This is the proposed Course Intention.


For myself,  I changed it to something I can relate more to. I may it change back later to the proposed one but for now I understand my intention.  


To finish off I'd like to share a few ideas and tips I have received in responses
- one can go to the Michael's website or download the App and they often have a 40%  off coupon
- Opus has a fabulous selection of art supplies
-now I really like this one....watching Ted talks as a family
- and a great best friend statement  "Oh Well!"
If you are still with me.....thanks my perfectly imperfect friends.

1 comment:

  1. absolutely still with you!
    keep doing what your doing are beautifully imperfect...just like me!

    love and light
